The House system is an integral part of life at St. Paul’s School, Jhinjhari and aims to provide a sense of competition and fun through a range of school based activities. All the students and members of staff are attached to one of the four houses, which are named after a color. Each house is assigned a virtue and a motto.

In pursuance of school motto and virtues, Paulians should always strive to be……..
1. Higher like a shining star in love and harmony.
2. Faster like a radiant ray of light being calm and patient.
3. Stronger like diamond in self-confidence and high self esteem.
4. Brighter like scintillating sun being extremely hopeful about life.

                The House System aims to increase co-operation, mutual understanding tolerance, self-reliance, motivation, sense of responsibility and participation. It also provides a focus for leadership and development among the pupils. 

                         House Activities give the pupils an opportunity to compete as a team and build up relationships with fellow pupils. The House mistress / master and the respective House teachers act as a link in the system acting as friends, philosophers and guides. Once in a month, there will be a House meeting to plan and evaluate house activities.


Captains and Vice Captains Should endeavour to: 

1. Make their respective houses excellent in sports, games and academics. 

2. Keep up the motto and spirit of their houses. 

3. Organize various house activities, Inter-house contests and com petitions. 

4. Work as a team and encourage team spirit. 

5. Build up a good family-spirit, good healthy relationship with teachers and students.

6. Encourage all house members to take pride as students of this school and be loyal to the school. 

7. To give a report to the house-in-charge and to the Principal of all their activities and to seek guidance from them constantly.


1. Take charge of their respective classes while the staff are engaged at a meeting.

2. Assist the captains, vice-captains of the House in maintaining discipline and cleanliness of surroundings during recess.

3. Wholly responsible for the observance of school discipline and code of conduct of the students of the classes assigned to them.

4. Line the classes for the morning assembly and stand behind their respective classes.

5. Check whether the students are in proper uniform, clipped fingernails, clean socks and shoes etc.

6. Help the teacher in conducting the weekly assembly of their respective classes.

7. Assist the class teacher in the matters of discipline, studies and other areas of his/her class activities. The prefect should also visit the class regularly and be in touch with the class teacher and the class.