“By education, I mean an all round drawing of the best in child and man in body, mind and spirit.” – Mahatma Gandhi
The rays of the sun radiate proportionately on the entire surface of the earth. But only those sown seeds develop into perpetual and fruitful trees of high degree, which are privileged with the vigour of sun, essential nutrients, a good internal immunity and an absolute chemical control and co-ordination.
Trees which thrive in the above stated conditions prove to be unique, absolutely healthy, enriched with immunity and are able to produce yield of high quality in comparison to its co existing plants/trees.
In the same manner, in our organisation we treat each and every student as a seedling and provide them ground for their independent and extrinsic development (growth). School, through its curricular and extra curricular activities, provides an environment, which not only benefits the students but also enable their all-round development.
In the furtherance of progress of students, under divine grace and inspiration, I and my staff are implementing and executing the schemes of CBSE so as to develop characteristic, ethical, behavioural and spiritual interest. We foster the students with the manure of our affection and guidance and evaluate their growth, time to time.
Along with imparting compulsory education, we are determining to become the essential growth hormone and yield a prodigy and an excellent human being, so that their inherent ordinary natural attributes could be changed into extraordinary acquired attributes.
In the evolutionary advent of personality development, our objective is to present, to all our parents, an educated, obedient and a dedicated son/daughter and to bring forth a multitalented, idealistic person full of moral values, who as an ultimate successful entity can contribute in making the best society and can become a responsible citizen.But for this, we seek absolute dedication and obedience of all the students of our school. For this, we also seek co-operation and support of parents in regard to student welfare schemes. As Almighty God assigned us this task as per His will and guidance, we have been discharging our duty since last many years and are determined to carry it out in future as well.
The unique identity of St. Paul’s School, Jhinjhari is “To create an ideal person who succeeds and excels beyond far”.